Nestled within an 8.83-acre gated community, the property holds a leasehold title with a 99-year lease (with 26 years remaining) and an extendable option. It boasts a clean title, free from any encumbrances, with the conversion process already completed.
The plot is irregularly shaped enclosed by a perimeter wall and complemented by concrete paving blocks, the property comprises eight apartment blocks a total of 108 units of various sizes, 27 three-bedroom, 72 two-bedroom, 9 studio apartments, and accommodations for workers. These structures occupy only a third of the total land area, the remainder is adorned with greenery offering a serene and quiet environment in which to live, work and play.
Electricity and water mains services are connected to the property alongside water disposal into a common septic tank. State House Avenue and Kenyatta Avenue are tar-surfaced and in good condition.
The property is also served by additional facilities including:
1. CCTV cameras
2. Backup generator
3. Security alarm system
4. Manned entrance
5. Adequate car parking
In addition, the property enjoys various streams of income including parking fees, billboard advertising and rental revenue.
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |