Kiragu & Mwangi Ltd

KSh 120 per sq. ft.

Mashiara Park, Loresho

1 Mashiara Park is a relatively new commercial building in the larger Mashiara Park. The property is accessible either through Kaptagat Rd in Loresho or alternatively off the main highway past Waiyaki Way and approximately 5 kms from Westlands.

It is designed to provide the perfect environment for corporates and organisations looking for a tranquil contemporary location, in a low-density setting characterised by extensive gardening and mature trees. The building is provided with large open windows to take advantage of natural lighting and ventilation. The large floor plates are largely pillar-free making design and fit-out convenient.

The office building is provided with all modern fire detection and firefighting equipment, with each wing provided with designated emergency escape routes.


Price : KSh 120 per sq. ft.
Service Charge (Kshs) : 26 per sq. ft.
Latitude : -1.261219
Longitude : 36.74894
Property Type : Rent
Property Purpose : Commercial
Status : Available



Ample Parking
Low Density Offices
Ample Water Supply
Back-Up Generator
Serene Environment

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