Kiragu & Mwangi Ltd

KSh 120.00--KSh  200 per sq. ft.

Lavington Mall, Lavington area

Lavington Mall stands as the largest shopping mall in Lavington area. The mall enjoys central,
superior location and strategic positioning along James Gichuru Road within Lavington
shopping Centre.

Available Spaces

Floor Area (SQ FT)
1ST 667
3RD 689
4TH 1000
5TH 650
6TH 667


Price : KSh 120.00--KSh  200 per sq. ft.
Service Charge (Kshs) : 40
Latitude : -1.2799559
Longitude : 36.7702275
Property Type : Rent
Property Purpose : Commercial
Address : lavington mall



Ample Parking
Proximity to several estates
High quality finishes
24 hr. security and CCTV systems
High speed lifts
Back-Up Generator

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