Founded in 1999, we are committed to providing fully professional and high value services, superior client service and an unwavering dedication to the satisfaction of our clients. We are strategically structured and positioned to render such professional services, in rapidly developing markets and fields, to the client’s benefit, satisfaction and convenience, and in line with proper and sound professional and business practices.
We handle a variety of services in real estate through our knowledgeable and dedicated team who ensure our service is top-notch.
KSh 75,000
Nestled in the only mixed-use estate near the Nairobi Expressway,…
KSh 25,000.00-KSh 27,000
Located in the serene environment of Kiambu, these modern bedroom…
KSh 12,500,000.00
This property is located 2 kilometers from Kisamis town and…
KSh 11,500,000.00
The subject apartment unit comprises of a two bedroom all…
KSh 13,500,000.00
3-bedroom apartments with a DSQ are available for sale in…
KSh 6,600,000.00
2-bedroom apartment, available for sale at an attractive price of…
© 2023. Kiragu & Mwangi Ltd
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |